受: receive; accept不要紧: unimportant; not serious的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...伤: wound; injury挂: hang; put up; suspend不: a block of wood危险: dangerous; perilous; risk; p ...彩: variegated colour不要紧的伤, 不危险的伤(可以借此退出火线): a cushy one不要紧的伤: a cushy one要紧的: important不要紧: 1.(不成问题) unimportant; not serious 有点伤风, 不要紧。 just a slight cold, nothing serious.2.(不碍事) it doesn't matter; never mind 路远也不要紧, 我们可以骑车去。 it doesn't matter how far it is; we can go by bike.3.(表面上似乎不妨碍) it looks all right, but 你这一嚷不要紧, 把大家都吵醒了。 you may think it's all right for you to shout, but you've woken everybody up拣要紧的说: say what you think is most urgent这并不危险: this is not jeopardy不要紧,没关系: never mind不要紧了: i smiled and said : we have much better and a fine不要紧张: keeone's shirt on从容;轻松;不要紧: take it easy没关系,不要紧: never mind请不要紧张: take it easy/relax please; take it easy/relax please危险的: adventurous; danger---dangerous; grave; haz = hazardous; jeopardous; near; parlous; perilous; precarious; risky a. full of danger; rummy; serious; threatening; touchandgo; treacherous; unsafe危险的,冒险的: risiky有要紧的事要干: have other fish to fry那完全不要紧: it doesn't matter anymore; it doesn't matter anymore暗藏危险的: treacherous